Payroll at Achieve
A great option for contractors running through an employment agency.
Our salary package gives you a simple and reliable payroll solution, whilst making sure all your payroll needs are taken care of, and includes your required professional insurances, superannuation, and payroll obligations.
Our salary package options are customisable and are designed to minimise your tax and maximise
your take-home pay. You can opt to include a vehicle, LAFHA, other claimable work-related items, and rental property expenses (if applicable).
Salary package options starting from 1.25% are based on payment to you once we have received payment from your Agency.
Our Services Include:
You will be employed by a specialist payroll company administered by AchieveCorp for the duration of your contract. We will process your timesheets, calculate your salary and essential deductions for income tax and superannuation, and transfer your net pay to you each period.
Your employer will be insured to an appropriate level, up to $20 million, for both Public Liability insurance and Professional Indemnity insurance, for your work undertaken at your client site.
In conjunction with your employment agency you will be fully covered as a conventional employee for the purposes of Workers Compensation insurance in the State or Territory your main place of work is located.
Your minimum required compulsory employer superannuation of your gross income, will be deducted from your salary before PAYG is calculated, and remitted to your chosen super fund as frequently as you are paid. We will contribute up the the maximum super contribution base. You can contribute more through an effective salary sacrifice arrangement.
You may opt to salary package additional contributions up to your allowable annual limit. These additional salary packaged contributions are deducted from your gross salary before PAYG is calculated, and can provide you with significant tax savings.
Its up to you whether you choose for your contributions to be paid to your existing complying super fund, a complying Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF), or our default employer fund, Australian Super.
All super paid as frequently as you are paid.
Achieve Corp is a CPA Practice, meaning we are a fully qualified professional accounting practice and our in house accounting division, Verus Advisory can advise you on taxation and accounting matters with authority. Since we have most of your relevant taxation and employment details already in our system, we can save you time by preparing your tax return for you. If your tax return requires more complex schedules, we are more than happy to help and we will let you know if there is an additional cost for our taxation services. Contact our Verus Advisory team for an appointment.
You may log in any time to access your employment and payroll details from our secure website, and you will have the ability to upload your timesheets, and professional expense reimbursements, directly through this portal.
We always welcome you on board with Achieve Corp with no hidden costs, and we will never penalise you for departing. You are always welcome back!
We have a long-standing relationship with Qantas, and are delighted to pass on our discount to our Achieve Corp Contractors. Ask our team how to apply.
Your out of pocket cost to purchase once-off professional items for business use will be included in your next pay as a tax-deductible, salary packaged expense. Your employer will pay the GST component for you, and you will receive a tax deduction up front for the excluding GST amount. You won't have to wait until the end of the financial year to claim these items in your tax return!
If considering packaging a vehicle, we can provide the most tax-effective Fringe Benefits Tax calculations prepared for you through our in-house leasing provider, Apex Novated Solutions.
In certain circumstances you may be eligible to claim Living Away From Home Allowance, which can provide you with significant tax savings. Living Away From Home Allowance (LAFHA), is determined on your eligibility, we will require signed declarations and substantiation for some costs to acknowledge that you are genuinely considered to be Living Away From Home, according the ATO eligibility criteria.
Speed up your pay with our Payment Accelerators.
We’ll pay you in line with your Agency or Client’s pay schedule, but without the added invoice payment terms. Submit a timesheet at the end of the month and be paid in the following Tuesday pay-run, rather than wait an additional 30 days for payment to be received.
Accelerator Plus
When you need to be paid fast, it doesn’t get better than this! Submit your timesheet every week, regardless of your Agency or Client’s pay schedule, and we’ll pay you weekly in our Tuesday pay-run. We’ll manage reconciliations and invoicing at the end of the month.